This move isn't without it's downsides: I'm going to be homeless for awhile, while I live with a very kind friend and look for a non-scary apartment; oh, and I totally hate moving; but really, the thing that sucks the most is that, and yes, silly girl, I'll have to leave the boyfriend I've become rather fond of. But, we'll make it work. It's all good.
PS - If you happen to live in the greater Seattle area and I haven't already politely asked you to be my friend...um...If you have an opening for a new friend, I'd love to have a social life. Thanks.
Yay, congratulations!
I'm so glad that you finally are taking the plunge! It'll definitely have some moments of frustration - any move does - but I love that it's what you've always wanted to do! It takes courage to really go for our dreams, and I love that you're doing it!! Yaaaay!
Congratulations! Good luck with the move!
Hi Jackie! TadMack just sent me this post. I'm living right in the midst of Seattle, and would be happy to be a contact for you in this cordial but sometimes hard-to-get to know town. Follow my link for contact information. I'm no longer affiliated with any library system (except for when I do book reviews), but perhaps I can be of help anyway.
Jackie! Congratulations!!! Can't wait to see you in March. :)
Yay!!! The countdown is getting closer! I'm so unbelievably happy and proud of you. You're gonna be AWESOME! Totally.
Oh, and I love how you called it a "little" announcement. Not like this is life-changing or anything.... ;)
Yay, Jackie, this is so exciting! I have a few really good college friends in Seattle--I'll send an e-mail and hook you guys up. OH! They also like to read YA, so that's a plus, eh?
It's a big step in so many ways. I wish you only the best. Congratulations! :)
Go Jackie!
(darn it a little, from your old boss) but we all send you to follow that dream. You will be an amazing and very very wonderful teen librarian
All my best wishes
Karen Byrne
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