It was probably not cool of me to write a depressing post and then not return for a full week, but oh well. I'm back writing and you're back reading, and we all seem to have survived, so that's good. It's been an uneventful week.
Someone finally moved into the apartment above me last night, which, as expected, gives me the peculiar sense of living in a cupboard; one of many tin cans stacked on top of one another. My particular can has dancing elephants above it. The game is to figure out if there is more than one person living up there and whether it a guy or a girl.
Mom arrives for a visit -she looks at her watch- tomorrow. I'm very excited. I'm not sure what all we are going to do, but I'm just happy to see her. I've gotten tickets to Civic Theater for Friday night, we are seeing "Private Lives." Which, hopefully, for my need to censor everything my mother watches in my presence, will be PG-13. Maybe she'll help me hang some paintings. I should go buy a drill... It just seems like a bad idea for me to own any power tools...
I've got lots of books to report, so look for those soon!
Now see, I was going to say go ahead and buy the drill. Somethings are just worth the risk especially when you need to drill through materials the odd materials you will find hidden in your apartment walls.
My mom visited me last time I moved and bought me a drill..then proceeded to not let me use it (apparently she likes to drill)..to date I still haven't touched it..I like having 10 fingers and 10 toes ...Jane M
No, I think it's best that Jac does NOT buy the drill, as she has accidents with non-lethal equipment...
She bought the drill to hang the pictures....refer the previous post where she failed miserably to hang a couple of pictures. I hung the pictures today. I didn't need the drill. It's not like anything was that heavy.
I don't know why you kids feel you need to censor your mommys viewing....yah think we didn't have a life before you?
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