Monday, May 08, 2006

Congratulations Kristy!

A friend from Library School, Kristy, called to tell me today that she's taken a job as a Library Media Specialist! That she happens to have accepted this job that happens to be in the state in which I now reside, is just a bonus. Although she'll be about a 5 hour drive from me, it's far closer than the 3-4 days drive home or the 10 hours it would take to fly (you'd think I lived in Siberia or something). I'm very excited for her. I'd link to her MySpace account, but I don't seem to have it. I'm sure that will change. Congratulations Kristy!! (Rachel, will you be following soon?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel like a celebrity now that I've been featured in your blog - thanks for the congrats. And I agree, a five hour drive will probably feel like nothing when I'm living 2300 miles away from home. So Rachel and Sarah - will you be joining us in the evergreen state?

BTW, my myspace account is set to private, as I'm fearful of any petential employment problems it might cause. the url is:

*I can't wait for New Moon