I don't think that there is enough fiction set during World War I. Especially not for teens. I've been hearing a lot about it lately because of NPR having fascinating interviews with the last of the WWI survivors (who are ranging in age from 106-115, holy cow!). Yes, I'm a dork. But you're reading this, so you can't be much better! *muwah*
Hattie's parents died when she was very young. Since then she's been bounced around from distant relative to distant relative. When the uncle she doesn't know she had dies and leaves her his claim in Eastern Montana, she sees an opportunity to create her own home, her own space for once. She's 16. It's 1918, there's a War, and a killer flu. She's got NO idea what's in store for her. It's not going to be easy, and that's putting it mildly.
It's definitely a teen book, but I see no reason why a smart 5th or 6th grader wouldn't enjoy it. I certainly would have. And yeah, I was one of those weirdo kids who looved her Ann Rinaldi (and hated those depressing death books - you so know which ones I'm talking about!).
I told my mom to read this book and think about putting in in her libraries, so if that isn't an endorsement, I don't know what is.
Cybils tally: 23/80
1 comment:
I really liked this book...It was a great blustery weather book. Made me glad to be inside curled up under a blanket and not in Montana where they need a completely different word for cold--I'm not even sure if freezing is adequate.
Rachel E.
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