Tuesday, July 04, 2006

I didn't know I was supposed to be in Mourning!

Ugh! In less widely dire news (about that other Twilight title), Meg Cabot says that there won't be anymore Mediator books!!! *sob* *gasp* *drama* I'm of two minds about this. 1) Well, at least the relationship won't go the way of Mia & Michael, which is just obnoxious at this point. 2) But it's my favorite!!! I don't want it to end!!! *whine*. Those of you who like or at one point liked Cabot, try this series. Really. It's good. The whole thing. (That's just six books, people - Meg Cabot books. They're quick. Like lightning. heh.).

Read Meg Cabot's words.

1 comment:

Leila said...

I'm with you on these -- they are TOTALLY her best books, I'm sad they're over, but I'd be way more sad if they got lame like TPD books.

(I recommend them to Buffy fans, too.)