We've seen the results of Gossip Girls in teen lit in the past couple years with trashy and at times risque books that read quick and sell well. This book is, I'm sure, entirely in debt to that trend. It is however of sufficient quality that it does rise to the top of the group. I must admit that I don't read this kind of stuff. I normally figure that I know what it is and who would be interested in it, and I'd rather save my time for something with a little more, er... depth (Usually). However, when my boss snagged me an ARC at PLA (for the 5 people who read this and aren't librarians, that's an Advanced Reader's Copy at the Public Libraries Association conference, remember that, 'cause if I've cause to refer to it again I'm not typing it all out), I couldn't help but read it. Who doesn't feel cool reading what the general public can't yet get? (I won't say anything about the books I really wanted. I was lucky to get what I did!) Naturally, I waited until the last possible moment to read it, as it is released on Tuesday.
As I said, I suspect this is a little better than it's compatriots. Basic summary: There's a new boy at a fancy prep school for the rich who's mind, unbeknownst to him, has somehow gained an eavesdropper. Reluctant to reveal her identity, she's witness to every thought, emotion, and experience Gideon encounters, and narrates it all with an appealing pithy, sarcastic voice. Oh, and did I say anything about the bet? For fans of GG, A-List, etc. (Though, if you are REALLY clever, you might be able to get a guy to read it - it is mostly from a guy's POV).
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