Emi and I got off the plane, waited for baggage (where some woman molested my bag because she was curious about my tag which is bright pink and says 'oops' on it to supposedly indicate that if you picked this bag, it is clearly not yours. Unfortunately, it inspired this woman to do just the opposite. Isn't there some unwritten rule that you are NEVER to touch anyone else's luggage on the carousel unless it is in direct violation of your's? Luckily said woman was like 4 yards in front of me - which brings up another annoyance of mine - why don't people understand that if everyone stands a few yards away from the carousel we can all easily jump forward to grab our luggage without problems. However, if we all try to crowd around it everyone whose luggage has actually appeared can't get to it without elbowing the obnoxious people out of the way or waiting for the dratted bag to go all the way around, and who wants to do that? Well, I suppose if you are crowding the carousel, you deserve to be elbowed sharply. And thus ends the longest parenthetical statement ever.), rented the exciting Ford Focus and headed to town, about a 15-20 minute drive. Soon we were both
gasping about how beautiful this chunk of land is. Later that night we just drove around town and, let me tell you, it would have been easier to point out the things we didn't like. It was a constant peppering of "Hey look at that!", "Wow, that's so gorgeous!", and "I want that house, no wait
that one, ah, man, I'd take any of these!" repeatedly. I'm not kidding. By the middle of the drive I was all begging the universe for this library to hire me. Which they did. But that, of course, is getting ahead of the story.
The next morning I got up and went to my interview (well, clearly there was more to it than that, but who wants to hear about me curling my hair). This town has more freakin' one way streets than I have ever seen. In the entire three days that I spent there, I was never ONCE able to take the same route back as I had come. I was so confused that I still can't figure out how the whole time I though north was south and vice versa. (Wow, with the tangents today) Anyway, I got to the library way early and was able to wander around a bit before my interview. It was one of those tag team getups, so there were 4 people in the room, three asking me questions. And Rachel and Eric: twice during this adventure I was asked "what would make me leave my job at [insert library here]." How did I answer? The first time: More opportunity, more money. The second time: Only if I'm not being mentally stimulated. The first library, (one stop town) didn't hire me. The second (dangerous land) did.
How did I feel about the actual library? Well. They have one of the most limited collection development policies I've ever seen, however I think that I'm spoiled where I am, and I think that they are slowly heading toward that more popular material collection, which is what I'm used to. Personally, I figure if the people are going to check it out, let them. It's becoming harder and harder to validate our existence if the offerings are mostly research related. Other than that, its a library. It's not a stunning building, but it's nice. The job itself? The posting emphasized "all ages" in service and programming. Which is totally awesome to me. In actuality I would be an adult services librarian developing/doing programming and teaching computer classes. I'm all about the teaching, but everyone knows that I want teen work. I don't get that with this job. AND IT'S 2000 MILES AWAY FROM EVERYONE I KNOW. Needless to say, when they offered me the job the next day I needed time to think about it. I went back and forth almost hourly for FIVE days. It's the most wrenching decision I've ever made. I like my friends and my family. I like what I have where I am. Why did I even apply to places so far away if I didn't want to leave? Because my Alma Mater is puking out graduates like you wouldn't believe, so it takes a while to get a job around home, because it would be healthy to leave the place I grew up for once, because I didn't actually think that anyone would actually pay any attention to me. After serious soul searching, a really long phone conversation with my favorite grad professor Holly, and (I am embarrassed to admit) a tarot reading from Cory, and massive amounts of crying, I decided that I would take them up on their offer. I am moving 2000 miles away. Dear God. What have I done.
18 applications
8 phone interviews
4 real interviews
4 states
8 days
2 job offers
1 acceptance
Why is it a Dangerous Land? You are talking about a girl who's sprained her ankle twice in a month (more on that tomorrow)- there are outdoor adventures there. I'm doomed.