I like the part where Colbert is speechless. And the other parts, too.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
2008 Cybils Nominations: Young Adult Novels
The inaugural year we had 80 titles in YA Fiction. Last year we had 123. This year? 135.
Props to Sheila Ruth who's made a beautiful database that pops out such wonderful lists (among other things) that makes everything so. much. easier.
For all the lists, head here.
A Bottle in the Gaza Sea 
written by Valerie Zenatti
Bloomsbury USA
A La Carte
written by Tanita S. Davis
Random House Children's Books
Absolute Brightness
written by James Lecesne
After Tupac and D Foster
written by Jacqueline Woodson
Putnam YA
Alive and Well in Prague, New York
written by Daphne Grab
Amor and Summer Secrets
written by Diana Rodriguez Wallach
Kensington Publishing Corporation
Apprentice's Masterpiece, The
written by Melanie Little
Annick Press
Artichoke's Heart
written by Suzanne Supplee
Penguin USA
Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing, Traitor to the Nation, Volume II : The Kingdom on the Waves
written by M.T. Anderson
Candlewick Press
Audrey, Wait!
written by Robin Benway
Penguin USA
written by Anne Osterlund
Penguin USA
Bog Child
written by Siobhan Dowd
Random House Children's Books
Box Out
written by John Coy
Boy Who Dared, The
written by Susan Campbell Bartoletti
Child of Dandelions 
written by Shenaaz Nanji
Boyds Mills Press
Cleavage: Breakaway Fiction for Real Girls
edited by Deb Loughead
and Jocelyn Shipley
Sumach Press
Climbing the Stairs
written by Padma Venkatraman
Penguin USA
Comeback Season, The
written by Jennifer E. Smith
Simon & Schuster
Crossing the Line
written by Dianne Bates
Hybrid Publishers
Cruel Summer
written by Alyson Noel
Daughter of War 
written by Marsha Forchuk Skrypuch
Fitzhenry & Whiteside, Ltd.
Day I Killed James, The
written by Catherine Ryan Hyde
Random House Children's Books
Death of Jayson Porter, The 
written by Jaime Adoff
Debbie Harry Sings in French 
written by Meagan Brothers
Henry Holt
Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks, The 
written by E Lockhart
Dooley Takes the Fall
written by Norah McClintock
Fitzhenry & Whiteside, Ltd.
Down Sand Mountain
written by Steve Watkins
Candlewick Press
Down to the Bone
written by Mayra Lazara Dole
Empty Kingdom, The 
written by Elizabeth E. Wein
Penguin USA
Everything You Want 
written by Barbara Shoup
Fact of Life #31 
written by Denise Vega
Random House Children's Books
Fancy White Trash
written by Marjetta Geerling
Penguin USA
written by Laura Kasischke
Fold, The
written by An Na
Penguin USA
Forever Changes
written by Brendan Halpin
Farrar, Strauss & Giroux
Fortunes of Indigo Skye
written by Deb Caletti
Simon & Schuster
written by Anna Levine
Freeze Frame
written by Heidi Ayarbe
Getting the Girl
written by Susan Juby
Ghost Medicine
written by Andrew Smith
Feiwel & Friends
Ghost's Child, The
written by Sonya Hartnett
Candlewick Press
Girl Overboard
written by Justina Chen Headley
Little, Brown
Girl, Hero
written by Carrie Jones
Give Me Truth
written by Bill Condon
Random House Australia
Good Enough 
written by Paula Yoo
Hot, Sour, Salty, Sweet
written by Sherri L. Smith
Random House Children's Books
House of Dance, The 
written by Beth Kephart
House of Djinn, The
written by Suzanne Fisher Staples
Farrar, Strauss & Giroux
How Not to Be Popular
written by Jennifer Ziegler
Random House Children's Books
How They Met, and Other Stories
written by David Levithan
Random House Children's Books
How To Be Bad
written by E. Lockhart
and Sarah Mlynowski
and Lauren Myracle
How to Build a House
written by Dana Reinhardt
Random House Children's Books
How to Hook a Hottie
written by Tina Ferraro
Random House Children's Books
Hurricane Song
written by Paul Volponi
Penguin USA
I Am Apache
written by Tanya Landman
Candlewick Press
I Heart You, You Haunt Me
written by Lisa Schroeder
Simon & Schuster
I Kiss Girls
written by Gina Harris
I know It's Over
written by C. K. Kelly Martin
Random House Children's Books
I Wanna Be Your Joey Ramone 
written by Stephanie Kuehnert
Simon & Schuster
written by Ellen Hopkins
Simon & Schuster
In Ecstasy 
written by Kate McCaffrey
Fremantle Press
Isabelle's Boyfriend 
written by Caroline Hickey
Henry Holt
Jellicoe Road
written by Melina Marchetta
Jump the Cracks
written by Stacy DeKeyser
Keeping the Night Watch
written by Hope Anita Smith
illustrated by E.B. Lewis
Henry Holt
written by Coe Booth
La Petite Four
written by Regina Scott
Penguin USA
Last Exit to Normal, The
written by Michael Harmon
Alfred A. Knopf Books for Young Readers
Latent Powers of Dylan Fontaine, The
written by April Lurie
Random House Children's Books
written by Laura Weiss
written by Alma Fullerton
Fitzhenry & Whiteside, Ltd.
Living Dead Girl 
written by Elizabeth Scott
Simon & Schuster
Lock and Key
written by Sarah Dessen
Penguin USA
Locker Shock
written by Pamela Ripling
written by Madeleine George
Love (and Other Uses for Duct Tape)
written by Carrie Jones
Love and Lies: Marisol's Story
written by Ellen Wittlinger
Simon & Schuster
Love Laws
written by Mary Muhammad
written by Rachel Vail
Lucky Ones, The
written by Stephanie Greene
Greenwillow Books
Lucky Place, The
written by Zu Vincent
Boyds Mills Press
written by Christina Meldrum
Random House Children's Books
Me, the Missing, and the Dead 
written by Jenny Valentine
Mexican WhiteBoy
written by Matt de la Peña
Random House Children's Books
written by Pat Schmatz
illustrated by Bill Hauser
Lerner Publishing Group
My Life as a Rhombus
written by Varian Johnson
My Most Excellent Year
written by Steve Kluger
Penguin USA
My Mother Is a French Fry and Further Proof of My Fuzzed-Up Life 
written by Colleen Sydor
Kids Can Press, Ltd
Nokosee: Rise of the New Seminole
written by Micco Mann
Palmetto Bug Books (Lulu)
written by Scott Heydt
Helm Publishing
Opposite of Invisible, The
written by Liz Gallagher
Random House Children's Books
Ordinary Me
written by June Sproat
The Wild Rose Press
Out of the Pocket 
written by Bill Konigsberg
Penguin USA
Patron Saint of Butterflies, The
written by Cecilia Galante
Bloomsbury USA
Perfect Cover
written by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Perfect You 
written by Elizabeth Scott
Simon & Schuster
Play Me
written by Laura Ruby
Possibilities of Sainthood, The
written by Donna Freitas
Farrar, Strauss & Giroux
written by Mary Jane Beaufrand
Little, Brown
Prom Kings and Drama Queens
written by Dorian Cirrone
written by Kathleen Benner Duble
Simon & Schuster
Redheaded Princess 
written by Ann Rinaldi
Ringside, 1925: Views from the Scopes Trial
written by Jen Bryant
Random House Children's Books
Run Like Jager 
written by Karen Bass
Fitzhenry & Whiteside, Ltd.
Screwed up Life of Charlie the Second, The
written by Drew Ferguson
Kensington Publishing Corporation
written by Craig Moodie
Henry Holt
Season of Ice
written by Diane Les Becquets
Bloomsbury USA
Secret Story of Sonia Rodriguez, The
written by Alan Lawrence Sitome
Shape of Water, The
written by Anne Spollen
written by Jennifer Bradbury
Simon & Schuster
written by Lynn E. Hazen
Ten Speed Press
Sister Wife 
written by Shelley Hrdlitschka
Orca Books
Sisters of Misery 
written by Megan Kelley Hall
Kensington Publishing Corporation
Skin Deep
written by E. M. Crane
Bantam Books
written by Celia Rees
Bloomsbury USA
Split by a Kiss
written by Luisa Plaja
Corgi Childrens
Suite Scarlett
written by Maureen Johnson
Sunrise over Fallujah
written by Walter Dean Myers
written by Sara Zarr
Little, Brown
Swimming with the Sharks
written by Debbie Reed Fischer
Ten Cents a Dance
written by Christine Fletcher
Bloomsbury USA
That's What's Up!
written by Paula Chase
written by Monica Roe
Boyds Mills Press
They Called Me Red
written by Christina Kilbourne
Lobster Press
written by Gary D. Schmidt
Clarion Books
Twisted Sisters
written by Stephanie Hale
Penguin USA
written by Brooke Taylor
Walker Books for Young Readers
written by Michelle Baldini
and Lynn Biederman
Delacorte Press Books for Young Readers
Violet in Private 
written by Melissa Walker
Penguin USA
Voss: How I Come to America and Am Hero, Mostly
written by David Ives
Penguin USA
Weeping Under This Same Moon
written by Jana Laiz
Crow Flies Press
What Happens Here 
written by Tara Altebrando
Simon & Schuster
Would You
written by Marthe Jocelyn
Wendy Lamb Books
Writing on the Wall, The
written by Wendy Lichtman
You Know Where to Find Me
written by Rachel Cohn
Simon & Schuster
If you don't see your nomination check a different category. If you still don't see your nomination then your book may have been ruled ineligible for one or more reasons including publication date (it needed to be published between Jan. 1-Oct. 15, 2008). Feel free to email me if you have any questions. My email can be found on the sidebar to the right.
Props to Sheila Ruth who's made a beautiful database that pops out such wonderful lists (among other things) that makes everything so. much. easier.
For all the lists, head here.

written by Valerie Zenatti
Bloomsbury USA

written by Tanita S. Davis
Random House Children's Books

written by James Lecesne

written by Jacqueline Woodson
Putnam YA

written by Daphne Grab

written by Diana Rodriguez Wallach
Kensington Publishing Corporation

written by Melanie Little
Annick Press

written by Suzanne Supplee
Penguin USA

written by M.T. Anderson
Candlewick Press

written by Robin Benway
Penguin USA

written by Anne Osterlund
Penguin USA

written by Siobhan Dowd
Random House Children's Books

written by John Coy

written by Susan Campbell Bartoletti

written by Shenaaz Nanji
Boyds Mills Press

edited by Deb Loughead
and Jocelyn Shipley
Sumach Press

written by Padma Venkatraman
Penguin USA

written by Jennifer E. Smith
Simon & Schuster

written by Dianne Bates
Hybrid Publishers

written by Alyson Noel

written by Marsha Forchuk Skrypuch
Fitzhenry & Whiteside, Ltd.

written by Catherine Ryan Hyde
Random House Children's Books

written by Jaime Adoff

written by Meagan Brothers
Henry Holt

written by E Lockhart

written by Norah McClintock
Fitzhenry & Whiteside, Ltd.

written by Steve Watkins
Candlewick Press

written by Mayra Lazara Dole

written by Elizabeth E. Wein
Penguin USA

written by Barbara Shoup

written by Denise Vega
Random House Children's Books

written by Marjetta Geerling
Penguin USA

written by Laura Kasischke

written by An Na
Penguin USA

written by Brendan Halpin
Farrar, Strauss & Giroux

written by Deb Caletti
Simon & Schuster

written by Anna Levine

written by Heidi Ayarbe

written by Susan Juby

written by Andrew Smith
Feiwel & Friends

written by Sonya Hartnett
Candlewick Press

written by Justina Chen Headley
Little, Brown

written by Carrie Jones

written by Bill Condon
Random House Australia

written by Paula Yoo

written by Sherri L. Smith
Random House Children's Books

written by Beth Kephart

written by Suzanne Fisher Staples
Farrar, Strauss & Giroux

written by Jennifer Ziegler
Random House Children's Books

written by David Levithan
Random House Children's Books

written by E. Lockhart
and Sarah Mlynowski
and Lauren Myracle

written by Dana Reinhardt
Random House Children's Books

written by Tina Ferraro
Random House Children's Books

written by Paul Volponi
Penguin USA

written by Tanya Landman
Candlewick Press

written by Lisa Schroeder
Simon & Schuster

written by Gina Harris

written by C. K. Kelly Martin
Random House Children's Books

written by Stephanie Kuehnert
Simon & Schuster

written by Ellen Hopkins
Simon & Schuster

written by Kate McCaffrey
Fremantle Press

written by Caroline Hickey
Henry Holt

written by Melina Marchetta

written by Stacy DeKeyser

written by Hope Anita Smith
illustrated by E.B. Lewis
Henry Holt

written by Coe Booth

written by Regina Scott
Penguin USA

written by Michael Harmon
Alfred A. Knopf Books for Young Readers

written by April Lurie
Random House Children's Books

written by Laura Weiss

written by Alma Fullerton
Fitzhenry & Whiteside, Ltd.

written by Elizabeth Scott
Simon & Schuster

written by Sarah Dessen
Penguin USA

written by Pamela Ripling

written by Madeleine George

written by Carrie Jones

written by Ellen Wittlinger
Simon & Schuster

written by Mary Muhammad

written by Rachel Vail

written by Stephanie Greene
Greenwillow Books

written by Zu Vincent
Boyds Mills Press

written by Christina Meldrum
Random House Children's Books

written by Jenny Valentine

written by Matt de la Peña
Random House Children's Books

written by Pat Schmatz
illustrated by Bill Hauser
Lerner Publishing Group

written by Varian Johnson

written by Steve Kluger
Penguin USA

written by Colleen Sydor
Kids Can Press, Ltd

written by Micco Mann
Palmetto Bug Books (Lulu)

written by Scott Heydt
Helm Publishing

written by Liz Gallagher
Random House Children's Books

written by June Sproat
The Wild Rose Press

written by Bill Konigsberg
Penguin USA

written by Cecilia Galante
Bloomsbury USA

written by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

written by Elizabeth Scott
Simon & Schuster

written by Laura Ruby

written by Donna Freitas
Farrar, Strauss & Giroux

written by Mary Jane Beaufrand
Little, Brown

written by Dorian Cirrone

written by Kathleen Benner Duble
Simon & Schuster

written by Ann Rinaldi

written by Jen Bryant
Random House Children's Books

written by Karen Bass
Fitzhenry & Whiteside, Ltd.

written by Drew Ferguson
Kensington Publishing Corporation

written by Craig Moodie
Henry Holt

written by Diane Les Becquets
Bloomsbury USA

written by Alan Lawrence Sitome

written by Anne Spollen

written by Jennifer Bradbury
Simon & Schuster

written by Lynn E. Hazen
Ten Speed Press

written by Shelley Hrdlitschka
Orca Books

written by Megan Kelley Hall
Kensington Publishing Corporation

written by E. M. Crane
Bantam Books

written by Celia Rees
Bloomsbury USA

written by Luisa Plaja
Corgi Childrens

written by Maureen Johnson

written by Walter Dean Myers

written by Sara Zarr
Little, Brown

written by Debbie Reed Fischer

written by Christine Fletcher
Bloomsbury USA

written by Paula Chase

written by Monica Roe
Boyds Mills Press

written by Christina Kilbourne
Lobster Press

written by Gary D. Schmidt
Clarion Books

written by Stephanie Hale
Penguin USA

written by Brooke Taylor
Walker Books for Young Readers

written by Michelle Baldini
and Lynn Biederman
Delacorte Press Books for Young Readers

written by Melissa Walker
Penguin USA

written by David Ives
Penguin USA

written by Jana Laiz
Crow Flies Press

written by Tara Altebrando
Simon & Schuster

written by Marthe Jocelyn
Wendy Lamb Books

written by Wendy Lichtman

written by Rachel Cohn
Simon & Schuster
If you don't see your nomination check a different category. If you still don't see your nomination then your book may have been ruled ineligible for one or more reasons including publication date (it needed to be published between Jan. 1-Oct. 15, 2008). Feel free to email me if you have any questions. My email can be found on the sidebar to the right.
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