A new year, a whole new slate of books to fall behind on. Wait. That's not the right attitude. Ah, who am I kidding? Antibiotics have addled my mind. I don't know what I'm saying. I do know that
Colleen asked us last week (or was it the week before? hmm.) to put in a few moments thinking about the 2008 titles we are most looking forward to. A brief, horribly incomplete list of what I'm anticipating follows. Head over to Colleen's for the
catalog of blogs posting lists today, and start
feeling overwhelmed making YOUR list.
A la Carte by Tanita S. Davis: I've been waiting over a year for this title. Tanita was a panelist

with me during the inaugural season of the Cybils, and she's awesome in every way. I love her lots (clearly I'm completely biased). But, her book is about a girl wanting to be a chef and there's food and cooking and love and, well, I am a girl, and I like food, and cooking. It even turns out I'm a pretty big fan of love. Plus, it comes out on my birthday. Knopf, 6/10
Alien Feast: Chronicles of the First Invasion by Michael Simmons: Actually scored an ARC of this title and it looks Hysterical. Total fun. So good that I lent it to a colleague because after reading the back cover out loud, well, it would have been like taking crack from an addict. And that's just not pretty. Roaring Brook, 5/27
The Battle for Skandia by John Flanagan: Latest in The Ranger's Apprentice series. I'm religious about these. Here's hoping our dear Will is back in form this time around. I'm thinking they may have changed cover artists or something, as this installment leaves something to be desired. Whatever, as long as Flanagan's still got the words. Philomel, 3/18
Crimes of the Sarahs by Kristen Tracy: I heard good things about Tracy's
Lost It, even though I never got to it.
Crimes of the Sarahs looks like farcical fun: A gang of teens named Sarah are mastering the art of petty crime over their summer, but when one of them gets caught, the stakes are raised, and one girl must prove she's not a rat. Simon Pulse, 2/19
A Curse as Dark as Gold by Elizabeth C. Bunce: Touted by
Sarah Miller, who bragged shamelessly about having an ARC, reading said ARC, and proclaiming it wonderful...Well, if I needed more that that, just look at that cover! Arthur A. Levine, 3/1

the dead & the gone by Susan Beth Pfeffer: This is probably the book I'm looking forward to most. I'm STILL haunted by the companion novel
Life As We Knew It, and that was what? Eighteen months ago? Who can I bribe to get one of those ARCs that are floating around? I know some of you have them. Pretty Please? Harcourt, 6/1
Ever by Gail Carson Levine: Well, judging by the cover design, I'd say this another set in the world of Ella Enchanted. I liked Fairest, so I see no reason why I wouldn't like this. I totally ganked the cover art from
Sarah Miller. HarperCollins, 5/6
The Fortunes of Indigo Skye by Deb Caletti: I really enjoyed
The Nature of Jade. I have no idea what this is about, and I'm wishing I would have thought to ask the author when I saw her on Saturday. I suck. But, in my defense, I didn't know I was going to see her, nor that this book was even coming out. Man that's a lousy defense. Simon & Schuster, 3/25
How to Build a House by Dana Reinhardt: I've been heartily impressed by Reinhardt's previous two novels, so I'm geeked for this one. Everyone who's scored an ARC has had great things to say about it. I got mine while knee-deep in the Cybils and therefore brokedown to the begging of my bff, so my copy is currently living in Iowa. I hope I get it back someday. 'Cause I
really want to read it. Wendy Lamb, 5/27
Jump the Cracks by Stacy DeKeyser: Stacy was one of my panelists this year for the Cybils, and she showed an honest sensibility toward YA Fiction, so I'm trusting that her own fiction will stay true to that. Oh, and it appears to be about a justifiable kidnapping of a neglected toddler. Sounds gripping. Flux, 3/1
Love (and other uses for duct tape) by Carrie Jones: Sequel to Cybils YA Finalist
Tips on Having a Gay (ex)Boyfriend. I dug the first one (obviously) and am looking forward to this title. It will be interesting to see how those characters are doing. I'm sure I reveal no confidences when I tell you that Tom was in contention for hottest boyfriend according to the YA Panel. I'm just saying. Flux, 3/1
Newes From the Dead by Mary Hooper: Ok, I don't know if this counts as I'm actually in the midst of this one right now. I'm not terribly far due to the aforementioned addledness, but I'm liking it so far, and what's not to like - In 1660 England a maid is hanged. But she doesn't die, a fact that isn't discovered until dissection is about to begin. It's based on an honest-to-goodness true story, and is totally gruesome so far. Plus, it's Reformation-era, and that's always fascinating. Well, to me. R

oaring Brook, 4/29
Princess Ben by Catherine Murdock: Hello?
Dairy Queen's Murdock doing a princess novel? I'm so there. Houghton Mifflin, 5/5
Shooting the
Moon by Frances O'Roark Dowell: My mother swore up and down about this author's
Dovey Coe being great. I didn't bite, but for this follow-up about photography and the people left behind during the Vietnam War, well, I think I'll take a look. Atheneum, 1/29
The Sky Inside by Clare B. Dunkle: This appears to

be about a city in a dome. 'Nuf said. Ginee Seo Books, 3/25
Suite Scarlett by Maureen Johnson: It's by Maureen

Johnson. And set in a decrepit hotel. With eccentric characters. Nobody does eccentric better than Johnson. Scholastic, 5/1
Sweethearts by Sara Zarr: Her first book was a National

Book Award finalist. And I liked it. Plus, this cover totally makes me hungry. Little, Brown, 2/1
You Know Where to Find Me by Rachel Cohn: Dude. Does that not look creepy as all get out? What a change from the bright covers of her past books. This one's about suicide and looks dark, dark, dark. I'm Very interested to see how she pulls it off. Simon & Schuster, 3/4
Wow. This got away from me. What do you guys think? Anything look particularly good? Anything I miss? Besides the Sarah Dessen?
Participating blogs:
BildungsromanBookshelves of DoomCharlotte's LibraryChasing RayFinding WonderlandFuse #8HipWriterMamaMiss ErinReading, Writing, Musing7-ImpWriting and RuminatingThe YA YA YAs