Cassandra's Sister (other than being a 2007 Cybil nominee) was recommended to me by blogger/author Colleen Mondor. In person. Over munchies at a Barnes & Noble cafe (Yes, I DO feel special! Thanks for asking!). So, it was sorta a must read. And so:
Cassandra Austen's little sister, Jenny, was always scribbling away, creating stories for her friends' and family's amusement. It wasn't terribly serious, as all young women were merely waiting to get married. She was a bit shy about it, but all who learned of her stories loved them. This is Jenny Austen becoming the woman Jane. This is her, with her optimism, her shyness, and her everyday struggles.
Curiously, the novel starts out with the French Revolution during the Reign of Terror. Execution via guillotine certainly gets my attention, but it is an odd entrance into a life that, while it may have coincided with the events, did not much engage with them (well, as far as I know, and as is revealed in the text). Aside: The intersections of history fascinate me. One forgets amid the pastoral calm of Austen that merely a few hundred miles away chaos reigned in France. Yes, there's an acknowledgment of war with the constant parade of soldiers, but it is at a distance in her work, at least from my perspective (yeah. I'm saying this without ever have read any of her books. Just watched the movies. Yes, yes, bad librarian. Miss Erin intends to rectify the situation with her Christmas present to me. She's a doll. Again, special. I'm a lucky girl.).
The author accounts a bit for this: "Revolution and war, two such vivid players on the stage of history might seem far away from her quiet family in their rectory in the Hampshire countryside. But they were not" (p 10). It's meant to connect the beheading with Jane's life, and it does, but I don't really feel that the incident is quite large enough to warrant the opening scene of the book. However, it does, as I said, effectively get the reader's attention. And that is SUCH a large percentage of the battle.
Other wee bits I noticed: The passage of time is a bit uncomfortable. Suddenly, a year or two, or ten have past. Nothing has really changed. Some people have died, or been born. Jenny becomes Jane and loses interest in playing cards. Nothing truly momentous, and that's... just life. Jane Austen's life. In fiction by Veronica Bennett. There were, especially in the beginning, slightly annoying expository sections that reveal the social constraints of the time. The explanation was necessary, but inelegantly done. Bennett seems to have nicely mimicked the tone, pace and style of Austen, which is a double edged sword; great for those who are looking for things to extend their love for Austen, but a barrier for those (like me), who sometimes need something rather faster. All flaws were forgotten about half-way through the book, and I sunk into that world.
This will most likely appeal to readers who are already in love with Austen. This sounds like a negative review, but I really don't view the book that way. It took me some time to get into it, after that opening salvo wore off, but I did grow to care about the characters. I just found it difficult, since I knew that she doesn't find her love. It's just so sad to me that the woman who gave the world the ideal of romance...didn't find it herself. I liked the book. I'll stop talking now.